The Place Where They Meet - 2024

Through multimedia installation, drawing, and painting, the process of play opens a door to experiencing the world that changes my perspective of space and interaction with material. In the process of creation, the exploration becomes the work itself and the installation remains as an intimate space that reflects moments of joy, fun, safety, and risk. “The Place Where They Meet” balances freely between two truths and questions what limitations are real and which are imaginary.

How Do I Get Out of Here - 2023

This work is an installation made up of wooden structures, string, paper, paint, clay, and other found materials. When I bring a new material into the installation, I am only bound to the limitation of gravity when I am joining, leaning, hanging, or painting objects. I am free to create a connected system of ways to enter, be within, and exit. Each positioning of an object becomes an intimate experience in which I am inside the work physically.  I am often trying to find a moment of balance between opposing forces of gravity and color.